hmmmmmmmmmmm if i was hiring one i'd pick ummmmm the tall and skinny one who would you pick?
hmmmmmmmmmmm if i was hiring one i'd pick ummmmm the tall and skinny one who would you pick?
i will pick nobody :D
congrats on winning the contest
Thank you!
fuck hell yes!
(Okay is it wired if my 2 faves from mane six are the pegasi?)
Luna= Best alicorn
Dj pwn 3 = best unicorn
Doctor hooves = Best earth pony
Derpy = best pegasus
Best mane 6 = tie between rainbow dash and fluttershy
(Yo creator who's your fave from each race?)
-Luna would be my favorite Alicorn,
-Hmm, best unicorn... hmmmmmmmm, well I dont really like alicrons but I like Vinyl than the others.
-As an earth pony, I will go on Berry Punch, but it competes with my Pinkamena, I do like Pinkamena. I cant decide.
-Derpy would be my most favorite pony and pegasus.
Best mane 6, it used to be Applejack but I changed my mind to Pinkie Pie.
adorable :3
c: thank you <3
drowzee's dream is to become a hypno that kidnaps children so motivational but other than that.
awesome worrk
I don't wanna be a Captain Obvious but it's about fitness, not kidnapping XD I've seen that episode long ago but I couldn't care less, all the creepy stuff about Hypno just amuses me :)
allie ur art work is very good also personality can be shown from ur characters expression and looks :D great job
cool good art and is it me cuz it looks like that flash sentry from EQG lol
Hahahaha! Are you talking about this?
Because that's what I got when I googled "Flash sentry EQG", if that the case yeah they kinda look like XD
she looks like a girl slender man but u know with a face :D lol i love it
I gotta make her a bit more "massive" in the hands, she's supposed to look sexy ... not anorectic.
BTW this is the second time anyone tells me that XD
If I could I would want be able to watch the world not be in it, Just like the person you can feel behind you, But never see.
Ten feet under
Joined on 9/5/13